
Four reasons why virtual is the new reality.

vr-911031_640You’ve probably seen them. You may even own a pair. Virtual reality goggles. You strap them on and all of a sudden, you find yourself in a real situation that, well, isn’t actually real at all. You can be anywhere—on the moon, below an iceberg, walking down 5th Avenue in New York, inside a car engine.

It’s become a phenomenon in the gaming world. ...

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It really is an IT Nation.

screen-shot-2016-11-16-at-10-21-47-amLast week, some of our staff attended IT Nation 2016. Billed as the largest event in the technology solution provider industry, our participation at IT Nation is one way we stay in touch with everything going on in the IT solutions industry. We don’t have to remind you—we are in an unprecedented era of technological change, and it will never slow ...

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WHAT you missed IF you missed our Technology Update

Everyone’s busy. We know that. So when we schedule our Carolinas Net Care Technology Updates, we know everyone will not be able to come.

All the same, we want to keep our clients updated!

On October 27, about twenty-five CNC clients were greeted by several from our team with hot coffee and tasty pastries. Then we got down to business.

We kicked off the morning  with a presentation by Smith Law Firm on the HR Side of Business. For all who had ever ...

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The KISS Principle for IT.

kissYou know the KISS principle, right? Keep it simple, stupid. I’ve always thought that was a little harsh. But the idea is sound. Too much complexity complicates everything.

In an IT and network administration environment, the acronym can be used to mean something entirely different, but equally important: Keep IT Systems Standard. Not quite as sexy, but face it. Too many people ...

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A 3-hour investment to keep your technological edge.

It may be the single toughest aspect of keeping your business ahead of the competition—maintaining a technological edge.

It’s always been tough. But in today’s competitive business environment, first-to-market produces more options than ever. Some are good. Some are not so good. Selecting the right solution can mean leaping ahead of the other companies vying for a larger share of your market. Conversely, making a poor decision can leave you playing catch up for weeks, months or even years.

Nowhere is this ...

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Carolinas NetCare celebrates 10th Anniversary

Charlotte IT Firm, Carolinas Net Care LLC, Showcases Recent Merger and New Website at 10th Anniversary Event, April 1, 2016

website picture

Along with a 1st quarter merger Carolinas Net Care developed a new web site at

On the first day of April the owners of the recently merged Carolinas Net Care LLC will open its doors for a public celebration. And there are so many reasons to celebrate.

“Carolinas Net ...

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Backup Your Data

Yes it’s important to backup your data now!

We’ve all heard the stories of my hard drive crashed before I could save, back up my work or I lost power during a storm and wasn’t able to back up the computer.  Backing up a hard drive, network, files, anything related to the business should be the most important thing you do.  Waiting for enough money in the budget or everyone to agree on a plan sounds good until it’s too late.  ...

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