Yes it’s important to backup your data now!
We’ve all heard the stories of my hard drive crashed before I could save, back up my work or I lost power during a storm and wasn’t able to back up the computer. Backing up a hard drive, network, files, anything related to the business should be the most important thing you do. Waiting for enough money in the budget or everyone to agree on a plan sounds good until it’s too late. Businesses today are relying on data to run their day to day operations. We use it to build client relationships, generate sales reports, develop marketing strategies and much more.
If you lost access to accounting information, emails, client data, contracts and legal documents, and custom software for a week or more, what impact would that have on your business? The following statistics show that hard drives aren’t forever and it’s a good idea to have back up plan in place!
- 140,000 hard drives crash each week.
- 74% of organizations have experienced data loss at the workplace.
- 32% of organizations take several days to recover from data loss, while 16% of organizations never recover.
- 70% of small businesses reported that a single loss in data could have significant and costly impact on their business.
- $15,000 per day is the estimated impact a disruption in technology resources can have on a small to medium-sized business.
Those statistics speak volumes about the loss of data and recovery time. Here are five reasons why you need a good backup.
- Security. When you copy files between hard drives or flash drives there is no security and your data is vulnerable. Backup software ensures your data is protected from hackers and viruses.
- Save space. A backup software will compress your files and data as you save them. With a click of a mouse you can also decompress them.
- Smarter machine performance. If you constantly copy files from one drive to another, you will lose your data which will consecutively cause downtime.
- NO data loss! Backup software can continuously backup your files and sensitive materials. You can backup your data at selected intervals, manually or automatically.
- Scheduler. Having a backup for your back up will make you feel more secure.
If you don’t keep check on your backup data, you could lose valuable time and money. You should choose the best backup solution or solutions that is best suited for your business. After all, choosing the best system for your back up is a critical decision that will impact your business on a daily basis.
Next month: It’s not really about backup it’s about recovery, choosing the best recovery option for your business
Contact us today to learn what recovery solutions we have to offer.